Claim Calculator Claim Details Property Type ? *—Please choose an option—Car ShowroomCare/Nursing HomeDental SurgeryDepartment StoreDistribution CentreFHL ApartmentFHL HouseFHL VillaHMOHotelIndustrialIndustrial with officeMedical CentreMulti Storey Car ParkNurseryOfficePetrol StationPublic HouseResearch FacilityResidentialRestaurantRetail WarehouseRetail/ShopRetail/Shop & OfficeServiced AccommodationShopping CentreSports CentresStudent ResidenceTheatreVeterinary SurgeryPlease confirm whether the property was *—Please choose an option—Bought OutrightBuiltPart of businessLeasedInheritedOtherPlease confirm the property purchase or build cost? £ *Please confirm the date the property was purchased? *If you have completed any property improvements since purchase, please confirm the amount spent? £ *Please state what entity has spent capital acquiring or improving commercial property *—Please choose an option—Sole TraderPartnershipLLPLimited Company [group LimitedCompanyNotSelected] Tax Rate *—Please choose an option—20% Basic Rate40% Higher Rate45% Additional Rate [/group] [group LimitedCompanySelected] Tax Rate *—Please choose an option—19% Corporation Tax25% Corporation Tax [/group] Has tax been paid on profits/income during the past 2 years? *YesNoAre you forecasting taxable profits at any point in the future? *YesNoUnknownAre you planning to sell the asset in the near future? *YesNoUnknown Your Details Name *Telephone Number *Email Address *Property Postcode *Where did you hear about us? *Online SearchAccountantBusiness AssociatePersonal ContactSocial MediaCAAS ConsultantOther I consent to CA Advisory Services Ltd contacting me. We will only save your details for the purpose of contacting you if you tick the consent box.Yes